Monday 2 May 2011

Curly's Wife

Curly's Wife, a misunderstood character in the novel

Curly's Wife struggles throughout the novel, Of Mice and Men, for attention from some of the workers of the ranch. Curly is showed to be cautious of what his wife is doing, forever looking for her when she is out of the house. He tries to isolate her from the workers of the ranch. I am starting to think he is suspicious of her intent and what she wants from the workers. She is very flirtatious, but she only wants attention from the workers, as she is suppressed by her husband. I think she uses the flirting as a cry for help, and a way to quickly grab the attention of the workers. Nobody knows exactly what she wants, but she is quickly judged that she is a whore, and she labeled . This is why George tries to keep Lenny from her, thinking her actions are harmful. her search for attention is ended when she tries to communicate with Lenny. As he gives her this attention, she takes advantage and spills her emotions, as Lenny is the only one that will listen to her problems. Curly's Wife's search for attention shows how loneliness is a recurring theme in the novel.

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